The 4 Pillars


As part of team building, encouraging collaboration, and promoting social responsibility we hold regular networking and sharing sessions among volunteers and our members, induction programs to welcome new members, and receive overseas delegations like we’ve been doing for the past 4 decades.

We also organise community receptions with professionals such as doctors and medical experts on beneficial developments for the ageing residents, caring, sustainability, etc to create health awareness.


Providing essentials and assistance for the needy, organising community events such as Zumba, exercise programs, and fun activities, and visiting the homes of the aged.

Also to promote healthy living, our daily operational TCM clinic helps underprivileged families and the elderly get access to ageing/pain-relieving services at a subsidy rate, total subsidy, and/or fee consultation.


Distributing food rations and essential provisions islandwide to hundreds of needy families and inviting professionals to conduct regular free talks on elderly healthy and sustainable living.


Receiving generous donations from individuals and organisations that want to make a difference to needy families islandwide and support our sustainable development such as food, appliances, monetary aid, and other useful items.

has been a supporter of Realm since 1998
has been a supporter of Realm since 1998

Nan Bee Trading Pte Ltd
has been a supporter of Realm since 1997